Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shamless Self Promotion

So, it's been a little while since I posted. Things are going great!
Recently I was contacted by Ajay Karat ( of Mucha Lucha & Higgly Town Heroes among others) to work along side him on a project he's working on. I'm really excited to get an opportunity to work on anything at this point, but it looks like Ajay has a lot of credible work behind him so this is even better!I will keep everyone posted as thing progress and update work.

Today marks a new era for 3rd Day Design:
after having left the silkscreen industry a few years ago I decided to get back into, using cafe press as my vehicle I will once again begin printing and selling christian themed clothing. Click HERE to check out the store, right now in its infancy. but I hope to dig up some of the old gospel shirt art from a few years ago and re-brand them under the 3rd day design lineage.

Here's the first shirt:

While I am still slightly apprehensive to use Café Press ( I am a silk screen advocate all the way) this will give me the means to not only spread the good word, but now I will not have to do it out of the trunk of my car!

Hope you all enjoi

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