Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What We Do


People often ask us: "What do you do?"

There is a.) a simple answer and b.) a not so simple one.

a.) We Create.

b.) We are a full service creative consultation advertising agency, with a large focus on Christian materials and family friendly media. [see more on this below] To say we do it all would be an understatement. We can and do most anything you could need when it comes to your advertising needs. But we do specialize in all forms of print media including but not limited to: Posters, Large format signage, Postcards, Business Cards Hang tags, Fliers, Books, Booklets, Brochures and more! We also Design websites, with the specific intention of tying them into your current print and online advertising. We believe in the whole package, and that is why we do do everything, because we feel you shouldn't have to go to one firm for print and one firm for web and then have two products that do not look cohesive, therefore blurring your message and separating you from your market. In addition to this we also animate and edit film and audio. So you have a project? We say we Can do it!

[What is this family friendly non-sense?]
Does that mean we turn away non-christian work? No. It does mean that we do our research about prospective clients. We will not work for any person or organization that does not sync up with our values and moral compass. There are a number of project we have worked on in the past that are for non-christian businesses. We do not judge our non christian brothers and sisters. But we will NOT work with people or organizations that:
• are racist
• support abortion
• are anti-christian in nature
• are pornographic in nature (real or implied)
• we would not show our children

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