Friday, October 31, 2008

Back in business!

Power came back on today. Thank G-D! As painful as it was at times, it was a nice reminder of how good I really do have it. It was als nice to put some pencil to paper and work on stand for a night. Tonight I start messing around with him in flash.
I'm happy where he finished for this quick try (only about 5 minutes) I haven't quite found his proportions yet, but I'm getting closer... And it was nice to see him in color, although, the color of those pants is allllll wrong. I'm going to work on him for probably another 4-5 days and really get him perfect as well as a walk cycle and all of his mouth movements... With Stan I learned how to apply a nice aesthetic like the lack of eye, with my laziness (no eyes to animate!) I hope he goes well well with my dinos... They should be kind to him, hopefully he doesn't provoke too much.

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