Friday, November 6, 2009

The Power of the Postcard


**Special Offer following this article**

As we see it, the postcard is a beautiful thing. It's compact, it's light, it's cheap it's two 4x6 sides of mobile, transportable, advertising space. We at Third Day Design love new media, we love the accessibility of email and the web. But, we have noticed it is very easy to create a disconnect. People love stuff, and with the huge migration to web media and digital advertising, there is far less tangible items put into peoples' hands.

We want to encourage churches and organizations to embrace this cheap means of spreading a message. It so easy to place it in someone's hand and off it goes into the world. Advertise your upcoming sermons or church activities and think about its trip: It leaves out your door and sits on a dashboard where two unsuspecting riders view it, then it travels to a refrigerator door to remind your market what, where, and who you are every time someone gets a snack!

Short advertising campaign? no worry, with the ability to order small runs of postcards in a cost efficient manner there is no large commitment to have tens of thousands of postcards taking up space. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start using postcards!

**In honor of our great love of the postcard Third Day Design is Offering 10% OFF all postcard design and printing until December 1st 2009!! Use the contact form and mention this offer to have it applied to your order.**

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