Tuesday, February 16, 2010



We at THIRD DAY DESIGN believe God has blessed us to do amazing things. And sometimes those things need to be given away. So...

We're giving away a website! Full design, the bells and whistles if you will...
you pay for the domain name (about $10.00/year) and the hosting (varies dependent on your choice of hosts) and we will take care of the rest.

Why? Because we believe that there are a lot of ministries and churches out there who have not yet embraced the internet as a way to share the gospel. So if you're reading this, chances are you already have a website, or are on the internet, do you know a ministry or a church that could use a solid website? Well send them our way!

The Rules:
1.) follow us on twitter (if you don't have an account, its easy, if it is not easy have someone in your church or ministry do it for you!)

2.) Send us a direct message via twitter, that you would like to be considered.

That's it

We will be taking submissions though next Friday and will choose one winner at that point. The winner will be announce via twitter the following Monday!

This is a package well worth over $2,000 that could be spent else where in your budget so take the opportunity as it stands no strings attached, just so we can help you do God's work! Good luck!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Special V-day present!!!


As a gift to our fellow brothers and sister in ministry THIRD DAY DESIGN will be offering a severely discounted rate for web design starting today, through next Wednesday the 17th of February.

Basic Web design and structuring typically costs $1000.00 at our current rates. As a way to help ministries in need of web design, for the next few days we are slashing that price in half!

This cost will include, the create of 1 basic website, design using HTML/XHTML & CSS (fancy acronyms for traditional web design) and can include up to 6 pages! This is a great affordable way to get your ministry a website that will reach a broad audience on the web.

This price will also be offered to those ministries seeking an expanded website that woudl include flash and/or motion graphics, interactive forms, custom photography or videography etc. Your base price will start at the discounted $500 dollars and we will provide rates for all the extras, please use the contact form on this page, or direct message us via twitter to be included in this promotion. Please hurry, due to the nature of this discount we can only handle a certain number of websites in such a small time period, so pace is limited!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fruit Snacks! V-Day Episode is for Sale!!


Our second studio release Fruit Snacks! "Love of the Lord" is now available for purchase on the Worship House Kids website! At $7.00 for five minutes of fun Christ based cartoon we think its a steal, errr... a Deal!

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter for all Fruit Snacks! and THIRD DAY DESIGN related updates

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fruit Snacks! Valentine's Day Special, PREVIEW


The latest episode of Fruits Snacks! is ready to be submitted to Worship House media, I just wanted to share the promotional piece that will acompany the new episode... We spent A LOT of time on this episode, and tried out a lot of new methodry in creating this episode, and we really anticipating the kids liking it!

and here again is the video preview of the episode to come:

and of course the first episode of Fruit Snacks! is available for sale here:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I.D. Please...


As with all things, well most things at least, we are progressing, and moving forward. It seems the majority of our work has begun to focus more on ministering to children and helping people and organizations bring their biblical messages to children. In the coming weeks we are preparing to go through a bit of a re-branding, that will focus not only the outside appearance but the main goal of THIRD DAY DESIGN, on creating media driven properties and advertising campaigns based around christian children's ministry.

Here is a new logo rough:

We would LOVE to get some feedback on this transformation as well as the direction of our new logo, feel free to leave a comment by using the tab above or by befriending us on twitter and sending us a message!

On a side note... The first episode of Fruit Snacks! has almost 500 views in it's first month on Worship House Kids, and appears to be reaching the right audience, Thank you everyone for your support and your views and your purchases!